OLIVEOIL.GREEN is a web-store for people who prefer natural food without chemicals.
You’ll never find the products of large food processing plants here.
Green means natural. Natural fresh olive oil, olives and other products from small family farms.
You may have noticed that not all of them are marked with bio labels.
Why so? Actually, two reasons:
Some farmers don’t have organic certificates since they refuse to buy organic fertilisers. They just can't explain to officials that centenary olive trees or wild mountain herbs do not need any fertilisers at all.
Other small farm owners simply don’t have enough time for paperwork and they don’t need this. Their products are always of high quality and are sold out instantly, despite the high prices. The only complaint they get is too little production.
+386 69 606 519
Cesta v Mestni log 55, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia