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Contract For Services

On the 1st of January 2023 the signatory parties:
Α) On the one hand Mr Besios Dimitrios who is based in the city Larissa, Greece in 7 Giannitsioti Street, VAT Nr: EL068796131, and acts as the host and administrator of the website
Β) On the other hand Mr Besios Dimitrios henceforth referred to as “The Administrator” and henceforth referred to as “The Client” have agreed to the following conditions:

1.Subject of the Agreement

The Administrator hosts the website through which he provides to the Client the opportunity to be advertised to the Internet and find customers for his products as well as specialized partners for his business.


The fee depends on the Membership Class which will be chosen by the Client.

3.Duration of the Agreement

The duration of the Agreement is annual.

4.Obligations of the parties

The Administrator is responsible for the provision of access to the website to the Client and the promotion of his business.

The Client is obliged to pay in advance the agreed-upon fee to the Administrator.

5.Extension of the Agreement

The Agreement between the parties can be extended one month before the end of the annual period. The parties must affirm their will to extend the Agreement by e-mail only, all other forms of communication excluded.

6.Termination of the Agreement

The Agreement is automatically terminated at the end of the annual period unless it is extended.

7.Clause of Confidentiality

The signatory parties strongly agree that any information regarding the Client and his products is confidential and therefore cannot be promulgated unless the Client acquiesces to the disclosure. The Clause of Confidentiality remains active even after the termination of the Agreement.


As Personal Data is considered any information concerning human entities, whose identity is or can be identified directly or indirectly, for example their personal identification, address, e-mail address, cookies and ip address or any characteristics that define the normal, genetic, psychological, fiscal, cultural or social identity of that human entity including the image of a person. (photograph, video).

The Personal Data of the Client will be kept for a 10-year period according to the legislation. The Administrator has the right to keep the file of the Client for a longer than10 years only for archiving on the proviso that he takes precautions to protect them from illegal and unauthorized use.

The Administrator takes all the necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the protection of the safety and confidentiality of the Personal Data. The Administrator will not forward any information unless it is necessary for the fulfillment of these requirements.

9.General Terms

This contract ascertains the common understanding and the will of the signatory parties regarding their rights and obligations and prevails over any previous written or verbal agreement about the terms of the present contract.

Both parties agree and accept that each and every one of the conditions of this contract are substantial. Hence each party accepts and assures the other party that it will honor its obligations according to the contract and its conditions in good faith and with great devotion.

Both parties also agree that the conditions and constraints of the contract are reasonable, just and congruent with their intentions.

Any modification of the contract is legally binding only if it is in written form and bears the signatures of both parties.

Any invalid condition within the contract does not entail the invalidity of the rest of the conditions but the parties agree to consider the replacement of the invalid condition with a valid one in order to ensure their unhampered collaboration.

                                                                                                                      THE SIGNATORY PARTIES


                                                              -THE ADMINISTRATOR-                                                                             -THE CLIENT-


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